Shortcode Generator
Featured Products
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-products title-display="none" title="Add title herejbhb" collection="frontpage" grid="4" rows="2" carousel="false" thumb-size="" crop="" height="px" quick-view="" description="" reviews="" hover="" zoom="" button-bg="" link-color="" link-color-contrast="" border-color="" heading-color="#897171"]
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-slider action="new slider" width="800px"]
[an-slider action="new slide"]

[an-slider action="end slide"]
[an-slider action="new slide"]

[an-slider action="end slide"]
[an-slider action="end slider"]
Featured blog posts
Translation missing:
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-blog blog="news" articles="3" thumbnails="true" thumb-size="1200x" template="" comments="true"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer augue justo, pulvinar eu lacus sit amet, ultrices semper elit. Curabitur at fringilla nunc, id consequat erat. Suspendisse semper ipsum at erat dignissim volutpat. Ut tincidunt neque ac dolor volutpat volutpat. Fusce viverra consequat ex sed pharetra. Sed fringilla, nunc non convallis molestie, augue sapien egestas lacus, ac hendrerit erat metus id ante. Vestibulum sit amet ultricies arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer augue justo, pulvinar eu lacus sit amet, ultrices semper elit. Curabitur at fringilla nunc, id consequat erat. Suspendisse semper ipsum at erat dignissim volutpat. Ut tincidunt neque ac dolor volutpat volutpat. Fusce viverra consequat ex sed pharetra. Sed fringilla, nunc non convallis molestie, augue sapien egestas lacus, ac hendrerit erat metus id ante. Vestibulum sit amet ultricies arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer augue justo, pulvinar eu lacus sit amet, ultrices semper elit. Curabitur at fringilla nunc, id consequat erat. Suspendisse semper ipsum at erat dignissim volutpat. Ut tincidunt neque ac dolor volutpat volutpat. Fusce viverra consequat ex sed pharetra. Sed fringilla, nunc non convallis molestie, augue sapien egestas lacus, ac hendrerit erat metus id ante. Vestibulum sit amet ultricies arcu.
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-columns action="new columns"]
[an-columns action="new column" class="col-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer augue justo, pulvinar eu lacus sit amet, ultrices semper elit. Curabitur at fringilla nunc, id consequat erat. Suspendisse semper ipsum at erat dignissim volutpat. Ut tincidunt neque ac dolor volutpat volutpat. Fusce viverra consequat ex sed pharetra. Sed fringilla, nunc non convallis molestie, augue sapien egestas lacus, ac hendrerit erat metus id ante. Vestibulum sit amet ultricies arcu.
[an-columns action="end column"]
[an-columns action="new column" class="col-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer augue justo, pulvinar eu lacus sit amet, ultrices semper elit. Curabitur at fringilla nunc, id consequat erat. Suspendisse semper ipsum at erat dignissim volutpat. Ut tincidunt neque ac dolor volutpat volutpat. Fusce viverra consequat ex sed pharetra. Sed fringilla, nunc non convallis molestie, augue sapien egestas lacus, ac hendrerit erat metus id ante. Vestibulum sit amet ultricies arcu.
[an-columns action="end column"]
[an-columns action="new column" class="col-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer augue justo, pulvinar eu lacus sit amet, ultrices semper elit. Curabitur at fringilla nunc, id consequat erat. Suspendisse semper ipsum at erat dignissim volutpat. Ut tincidunt neque ac dolor volutpat volutpat. Fusce viverra consequat ex sed pharetra. Sed fringilla, nunc non convallis molestie, augue sapien egestas lacus, ac hendrerit erat metus id ante. Vestibulum sit amet ultricies arcu.
[an-columns action="end column"]
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For your appointment you can wear whatever you are most comfortable with. I do provide disposable underwear and pasties if you desire to use. If you decide to wear a bathing suit, keep in mind the tan lines that it will create. After your session, dark loose clothing is recommended.
Rapid tans require 2-4 hours to shower, Regular solutions, 8-12 hours to shower. Keep in mind, no sweat, exercising or swimming while your tan develops.
Rapid tans are easy and convenient for busy ladies on the go. You can get sprayed and shower in as little as 2 hours. It does take 8+ hours for your tan to fully develop. Regular tans take longer and if you don’t have time to shower sooner and prefers to wait longer or sleep in this is your solution to do. Regardless of what you pick, I can customize and create the perfect shade to your needs.
Always 2-3 days before your event. If you are planning to have a trial tan, book 3-4 weeks before. Plan ahead and book your make up artist 2-3 days after the spray tan. This is the perfect plan to allow your make up artist to create the perfect look for your special day.
Exfoliation before your spray tan is the most crucial step. However don’t forget to book all your beauty services before your spray tan session. Nails, wax, eyebrows, facials, should be done prior to spray tan service. The day before your appointment shower, shave and exfoliate your skin thoroughly. Apply moisturizer if you have dry itchy skin. No make up, lotions, perfume or deodorant should be on your skin the day of your service.
It depends on your skin and your regimen. Spray tans lasts 7-10 days on average. The first shower is more of a rinse. Avoid harsh products on your skin, pat dry gently with a towel after each shower. Hydration is the key, water intake and a daily moisturizer all over your body is a key to longer lasting results.
While most people are suitable, we recommend checking with your doctor before booking a session. Nose plugs to avoid inhalation of product are always offered and encouraged to be use, along with disposable underwear.
At this time I’m not working with male clientele, females only.
I bring all my equipment to your home. I pop up an 8 ft. tall by 6×6 tent. All I need is proper light and a power outlet, spray mist is very light and most is contained inside the tent. I will provide all disposables necessary. Sessions take approx. 20-30 minutes from arrival. Spray time is about 5-8 min.
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-faq action="new faqs" icon=""]
[an-faq action="new faq" question="What do I wear?"]
For your appointment you can wear whatever you are most comfortable with. I do provide disposable underwear and pasties if you desire to use. If you decide to wear a bathing suit, keep in mind the tan lines that it will create. After your session, dark loose clothing is recommended.
[an-faq action="end faq"]
[an-faq action="new faq" question="When can I shower?"]
Rapid tans require 2-4 hours to shower, Regular solutions, 8-12 hours to shower. Keep in mind, no sweat, exercising or swimming while your tan develops.
[an-faq action="end faq"]
[an-faq action="new faq" question="Which tan is better rapid or regular?"]
Rapid tans are easy and convenient for busy ladies on the go. You can get sprayed and shower in as little as 2 hours. It does take 8+ hours for your tan to fully develop. Regular tans take longer and if you don’t have time to shower sooner and prefers to wait longer or sleep in this is your solution to do. Regardless of what you pick, I can customize and create the perfect shade to your needs.
[an-faq action="end faq"]
[an-faq action="new faq" question="When is the best day to get my tan?"]
Always 2-3 days before your event. If you are planning to have a trial tan, book 3-4 weeks before. Plan ahead and book your make up artist 2-3 days after the spray tan. This is the perfect plan to allow your make up artist to create the perfect look for your special day.
[an-faq action="end faq"]
[an-faq action="new faq" question="What do I need to do before my session?"]
Exfoliation before your spray tan is the most crucial step. However don’t forget to book all your beauty services before your spray tan session. Nails, wax, eyebrows, facials, should be done prior to spray tan service. The day before your appointment shower, shave and exfoliate your skin thoroughly. Apply moisturizer if you have dry itchy skin. No make up, lotions, perfume or deodorant should be on your skin the day of your service.
[an-faq action="end faq"]
[an-faq action="new faq" question="How long does the spray tan last?"]
It depends on your skin and your regimen. Spray tans lasts 7-10 days on average. The first shower is more of a rinse. Avoid harsh products on your skin, pat dry gently with a towel after each shower. Hydration is the key, water intake and a daily moisturizer all over your body is a key to longer lasting results.
[an-faq action="end faq"]
[an-faq action="new faq" question="Can I get a spray tan if I’m pregnant?"]
While most people are suitable, we recommend checking with your doctor before booking a session. Nose plugs to avoid inhalation of product are always offered and encouraged to be use, along with disposable underwear.
[an-faq action="end faq"]
[an-faq action="new faq" question="Do you spray males?"]
At this time I’m not working with male clientele, females only.
[an-faq action="end faq"]
[an-faq action="new faq" question="How does a mobile spray tan session work?"]
I bring all my equipment to your home. I pop up an 8 ft. tall by 6×6 tent. All I need is proper light and a power outlet, spray mist is very light and most is contained inside the tent. I will provide all disposables necessary. Sessions take approx. 20-30 minutes from arrival. Spray time is about 5-8 min.
[an-faq action="end faq"]
[an-faq action="end faqs"]
Some content here
Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2 Cintect tab 2
Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3 Cintect tab 3
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-tabs action="new tabs" look="horizontal"]
[an-tabs action="new tab" title="Tab title here"]
Some content here
[an-tabs action="end tab"]
[an-tabs action="new tab" title="Tab 2"]
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[an-tabs action="end tab"]
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[an-tabs action="end tab"]
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Contact Form
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-contact-form button="Add some text" width="100%" center="true"]
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-map location="53.903676, 27.558054" width="100%" height="300px" fullwidth="true" zoom="15" address1="Минск" address2="дыв" address3="амп"]
Page content
Choose page to see it's content here and get the shortcode.
Title here
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-heading title="Title here" h1="no"]
Heading small
Title here
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-heading title="Title here" size="h2"]
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-icon icon="fab fa-digital-ocean" url="" size="3x" spin="false" class=""]
Collection links
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-collection-links title="All collections"]
Featured products small
Choose collection to pull products from to see them here and get the shortcode.
Featured blog posts small
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-blog-small blog="news" articles="3" thumbnails="true"]
Empty space
Change height to see this how the empty space below is getting larger.
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-space height="200px" width=""]
Some content here
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-wrapper action="new wrapper" padding="true" width="70%"]
Some content here
[an-wrapper action="end wrapper"]
Product gallery video 1
For product pages ONLY! Use only one per each product page. It will show in gallery after images. Below is just a video preview.
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-product-video video="PWEA3TbOAqA" source="youtube"]
Product gallery video 2
For product pages ONLY! Use only one per each product page. It will show in gallery after images and first video. Below is just a video preview.
Copy the shortcode below:
[an-product-video video="a5beTN5YrEw" source="youtube"]